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Current price: € 59,90
The H2Pro Accessory Bag clips directly onto the front of the H2Pro Handlebar Bag, extending storage space for frequentlyaccessed items such as food, a rain shell or a cell phone. Built from waterproof, three-layer H2Tex fabric, the H2Pro Accessory Bag is tough, lightweight and fully detachable, making it a great off-the-bike day bag also.


  • Kleine, handliche Lenker-Kompakt Tasche mit wasserdichtem H2Tex Material
  • Ergänzung für die H2Pro Lenker Taschen
  • Anpassbares Volumen
  • Abmessungen: 17 x 22 x 13 cm
  • Volumen: 4,8 Liter
  • Materialzusammensetzung: H2Tex


Material: H2Tex three-layer waterproof fabric
Colors: Black
Size: 17cm x 22cm x 13cm
Volume: 5L


Die H2Pro Lenkertasche Kompakt wird an der H2Pro Lenkertasche befestigt uns sorgt so für extra Stauraum

H2Pro Accessory Bag with interactive tooltips

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