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Macha Pro Rennrad

Current price: € 289,90

Welche Größe brauche ich?

Item # {{ partnumber.code }}

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POWER UP. Imagine yourself confidently breaking away from the pack—during a climb. On your feet? The Macha Pro, our highest-level shoe built to help make your dreams a reality. Like you, the Macha Pro gets to work. It converts every pedal stroke into speed, while allowing you to maintain focus on the road ahead.


  • High End Rennrad Schuh für höchste Ansprüche
  • Motion Efficiency System (MES)
  • Spezielle GIANT Sohlentechnik zur Steigerung der Treteffizienz
  • Super steife Carbon Sohle für maximalen Vortrieb
  • Hochwertigstes Obermaterial für
    optimalen Komfort und Ventilation
  • Leichtes und perfekt anpassbares BOA Verschluss-System
  • ExoWrap für eine bessere Anpassung  an den Fuß
  • Atmungsaktives TransTextura Plus™
  • Größen: 37-42
  • Gewicht: 220g (Gr. 39)


Sizes: EU 36-43(full sizes only)
Weight: 220g (size EU 39)


Imagine yourself confidently breaking away from the pack—during a climb. On your feet? The Macha Pro, our highest-level shoe built to help make your dreams a reality. Like you, the Macha Pro gets to work. It converts every pedal stroke into speed while allowing you to maintain focus on the road ahead.

Find Your Fit HERE

2019 Macha Pro with interactive tooltips

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